Sunday, August 6, 2017

Soul Science Musings

25/01/2010 Edit-adding link to sister blog On Rapture Musings
Edit-expanded 24/01/2020

Earlier this year I chanced upon very interesting information discovered by Lashlo Kortvelyessy -- his claim that Beam is the 5th state of matter.  Speculates,  "Very probably, no more than six states of matter are possible. In the last two states of matter, no thermal energy exists (*skipping math formula bc I don't know how to do it properly).  In the Bose-Einstein condensate no thermal but only very-very low quantum mechanical energy (skip) exists, in the fifth state of matter a very high velocity in only one direction exists and a very high electric energy in form of ions or electrons" +
"The fifth state of matter is the most energetic one because another state of matter (formula) is not possible. One of the states of matter is the Bose-Einstein condensate. It has zero thermal-energy. We should give the number zero to it. Its popular name for the fifth state of matter is clearly incorrect since heated plasma will never be transformed to this Bose-Einstein condensate (formula)." Source

Only a fraction of the universe is visible/atomic, this is why most of the universe can't be scientifically/mathematically explained.
Quantum Mechanics can explain certain aspects of reality but not the whole enchilada, since
quantum fields,  particles and space-time, are cognitive extensions of one's perceptions.

Spirit science explores Reality, from the invisible to the eye of mind and its methods,  perspective.  We assert that,  Spirit/Eros/Great Cosmic Power/ Divine Bliss and its evolutionary drive  creates and sustains the universe. . .
Sri Aurobindo's cosmology  includes the 'supreme Satchichidananda' (realized in the supramental plane),  'which is above all and impartially supports everything'.  .  .
But,  to "live consciously in the supreme Sachichidananda one must pass through the Supermind."
Adds: "The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasped by any other consciousness than the Supermind, because the instrumentation in all other planes is is inferior and there is  therefore a disparity between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes."

At the zenith-point of one's eternal self Soul's evolution, one  knows/discovers in the depths of one's interiority this Truth.  One whose non-biological Light Body/Soul achieves Union with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme, knows this directly:  I  feel and hear in every fiber of my  being the  ever-present  bliss-vibration/spin and its never-ending (transmuted)  Erotic Potency's Essence flow from Crown chakra into world's hologram . . .I see (with spiritualized consciousness)  its influence in a form of light aura-field around my head/body.
* I discovered 'by fluke' my Light aura-field in 1994.

Modern science is not capable of measuring  Energy/Light/Bliss/Power.
I have yet to read anywhere that 'Divine Bliss'  has been discovered  and measured/explained by  the eye of mind and its methods.

Soul physics' perspective on why matter is more than material can be captured with this  phrase:
Atom's heart is ablaze with Divine Essence. . .It is all material and it is all transcendent / spiritual.

24/1/2020 Edit-adding Aurobindo's  brilliantly penned poem titled, Electron (I read long after I wrote 'Atom's heart...'), which matches my own - with the eye of contemplation discovered-  insight:

The electron on which forms and world's are built,
Leaped into being, a particle of God.
A spark from the eternal Energy split.
It is the Infinities blind mute abode.

In that small flaming chariot Shiva rides.
The One devised innumerably to be;
His oneness in invisible forms he hides,
Times tiny temples of eternity.
Atom and molecule in their unseen plan
Buttress an edifice of strange oneness,
Crystal and plant, insect and beast and man.
Man on whom the World-Unity shall seize,
Widening his soul-spark to an epiphany
Of the timeless vastness of Infinity.

I always look to my (spiritual) community of the adequate for verification of my Depth data's contemplative conclusions. Today I want to include the following verse attributed to writer of the Dead Sea scrolls:

I have reached the inner vision through Thy Spirit in me
I have heard Thy Wondrous secret, through Thy mystic insight

Thou has caused a spring of knowledge to well within me
a fountain of power, pouring forth living waters
A flood of love and all embracing wisdom
Like the splendour of eternal light.

If that person was alive still, I would have liked to compare  notes with. . . I would like to confirm for her/him the validity of their claim by sharing how I came to know the 'splendour of...'  etc.. I would say,  I-Soul witnessed flowing out of my Crown chakra 'splendour of eternal light' into world's hologram via subtle planes (for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness, documented in post titled:  The River of Light (May 2010)
If curious. . .

Edit-added: this post's sister blog titled Contemplative Science - if curious

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Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

Edited: the queen of edit-expantions does it again Apr.30, by including Aurobindo's words with regard to the 'guidance from above...